Organ Donation
The Gift of Life.
Transplants in Detail
Organ Donation can help change the lives of people suffering from trauma, organ failure, bone damage, spinal injuries, burns, hearing impairment and vision loss.

Live Donors can provide a kidney or a lobe of the liver, portion of the lung or intestine, and in some cases, tissues.

Deceased donors can provide life to, or improve the lives of over eight people by donating the following organs/tissue:-

- Heart
- Kidneys
- Liver
- Lungs
- Pancreas
- Intestine
- Corneas
- Thymus
- Other tissues such as bones, tendons, skin, heart valves and veins
Removal of Organs
Cadaveric organ donation only occurs after the donor is brain dead – which means the vital parts of the brain have died, and there is irreversible loss of consciousness. Though the brain does not function in this state, other organs (such as heart, kidney, liver, pancreas) are still functioning for some time, because the body still has a circulation, which is why transplantation is possible.
Preservation & Storage of Organs
After the organs are removed expertly from the donor’s body, they are placed in sterile plastic bags, which are then sealed and stored in a coolbox. The storage time for different organs varies - 30–36 hours for kidneys, 12–20 hours for livers, 10–20 hours for the pancreas, and 4–6 hours for hearts and lungs. These organs are transported carefully to the hospital where surgery is to be done.​