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Why Donate?

If you’d be willing to accept a transplant, shouldn’t you be willing to help someone else?


You can help. By signing up as an organ donor, you would be allowing your organs to be used to save other lives, after your own death. What does it cost you, when you no longer need it? Your simple decision could leave a lasting impact on over 50 lives. Give back the gift of life that was granted to you. It’s the right thing to do.

Every donor is regarded as a hero by transplant recipients.  You can be that hero and can make the difference in someone else’s life.


You can give someone a second chance at life

Imagine being tethered to a dialysis machine – not being able to ride a bike, travel, or even climb a flight of stairs. By donating your organs after death, you could be leaving a lasting impact on such a person’s life. Give someone a second chance at life, so they can live their life to the fullest rather than watching from the sidelines.

It's a gift to your family

At the unfortunate and uncalled-for occasion of your death, you could be saving others’ lives as you leave the world. It can be the one positive thing coming out from a terrible tragedy, and could give your family comfort and strength.

You can be a hero

You will be regarded as a hero to the people whose lives were saved thanks to your organs. You can make a lasting difference in someone else’s life, and be remembered for leaving your legacy and gifting life.

It's the right thing to do

All major religions encourage organ donation as one of the highest forms of love and giving. It's a very noble deed, and is logically the correct thing to do. Think about it - you'd accept a transplant if you were the one in need. It is your duty as a human to help others.

Generous, loving and dedicated to helping others – that’s how Kim Holmes’ family describes the 36 year-old mother of two who gave the gift of life through organ and tissue donation upon her death...

Life Source: Organ and Tissue Donation

Andrea considers herself one lucky woman, although it is apparent that her success in life is due to her positive outlook in the face of adversity, her faith, and the generosity of an organ donor. A healthy child and teen, Andrea suffered kidney failure at the age of nineteen...

Life Source: Organ and Tissue Donation

When Kayla Borgerson received her driver’s license at the age of 16 she checked the box to register as an organ and tissue donor. Sadly, that wish was fulfilled much too soon...

Life Source: Organ and Tissue Donation

© 2012 by Organ Donation: The Gift of Life

Isha Lamba

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